Tag archives: performance

RSS feed of performance

Among all benchmark tools available online, sysbench is one of my favorite. If I have to give two words to it , it would be: simplicty and reliability. At Cloud Mercato we mainly focus on 3 of its parts: CPU: Simple CPU benchmark Memory: Memory access benchmark OLTP: Collection of…

In other words Intel vs AMD vs ARM. AWS recently released Graviton series for all their main instance types: R6g with extended memory, C6g for compute optimized and M6g for general purpose. Their offering has always been based on Intel but in the past years we saw AMD and now…

Despite being one of the the worldwide most used block storage solution, Amazon's General Purpose SSD is far away from being a general and versatile solution. Unlike other providers selling volumes based on device type and an hourly price per gigabytes, AWS made the choice to create products adapted to…